Pandora announced its new Pandora Plus offering on Thursday. Pandora Plus allows customers to listen to Pandora offline without ads and with unlimited skips. This is not the more premium Spotify competitor that’s expected later this year, rather just a new play on its subscription service.
Pandora Plus costs $4.99 per month and will replace Pandora One; subscribers of that service will be transitioned over to the new option “in the coming months.” It features a smart offline mode that can detect when you’ve lost a signal, automatically launching into one of your offline playlists “that Pandora knows you love.”
The ad-supported version of Pandora will also change slightly, with listeners getting the choice to re-play songs or increase their skips by “opting into a video ad.”
Pandora Plus officially launches today, but Pandora said the features will hit its iOS and Android apps in the coming months. Australia and New Zealand will get the new features in 2017.
Source: Pandora