Oh, Suicide Squad, you were supposed to be the good one. Will we ever get a good DCEU movie? Wonder Woman looks up to the task, at least based on its trailer. Then again, Suicide Squad disappointed us after some terrific trailers of its own.
Seeing Suicide Squad fail conjured up a lot of feelings, most of which were negative. So it comes as no surprise that Screen Junkies tore it to pieces in its latest installment of Honest Trailers.
You can tell the video comes from a bunch of DC fans, but even they, just like me, can’t justify the mess Suicide Squad was.
The video astutely points out the “mixed reception” Batman v. Superman received. This forced Warner Bros. to “fix” Suicide Squad but the production was hindered by a rushed script and cramped release date. Nothing is off limits, and the video roasts everything including the generic characters, generic villains and generic plotline.
Every character, especially the Joker, sorely disappointed
One of the highlights of the video is the roasting of each individual character. Sure, the Honest Trailers series takes an omnipresent approach, criticizing even the most mundane detail, but how on earth can we expect a “90-pound girl with a bat,” “drunk guy with a boomerang” and “[a] Steve Segel rope dork” to save humans from Cara Delavinge (aka Enchantress) doing her best impersonation of “the wavy inflatable arm things outside car dealerships.”
I won’t even get started on the Joker, but Honest Trailers really goes to task on Jared Leto’s disappointing interpretation of the iconic character.
The entire video is full of funny bits, which you can check out above.

Source: Screen Junkies