Although it has a respectable rating of 73 percent on Rotten Tomatoes, it doesn’t sound like a proper Ghostbusters sequel is in the cards. According to a report from Hollywood Reporter, Sony executives have reportedly decided to move away from doing a follow-up, and will instead put resources toward the upcoming animated TV series, Ghostbusters: Ecto Force, and a possible animated movie.
As of this weekend, Ghostbusters has earned just shy of $180 million at the global box office, with $117 million of that being domestic. When all is said and done, analysts estimate Sony will take a $70 million loss on the film, falling well short of the $300 million mark it needed in order to break even.
Sony hasn’t definitively said whether or not a sequel will happen, but a rep allegedly told Hollywood Reporter that the studio is more focused on the animated spinoffs for now. At the end of Ghostbusters, there were clear signals that a sequel could happen, but now that’s not looking very likely. For what it’s worth, Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon previously signed for two potential sequels, according to the same report.
The film has still yet to open in some markets and with merchandising, product tie-ins, and other potential revenue streams, the loss might not be quite as large as some analysts are predicting. Hopefully, this doesn’t validate the crazies who believe women shouldn’t heave leading rolls in movies.
Source: HollywoodReporter