Yahoo on Monday said it will introduce its first two original TV-length shows in 2015. The online company, helmed by CEO Marissa Meyer, is getting into the burgeoning streaming market by taking on Netflix and Hulu, with two half-hour comedies on deck. And Yahoo isn’t just going through the motions, either; the company has tapped some real talent to help launch its TV future.
Up first, Yahoo is working on a futuristic comedy called Other Space, which is being directed by Paul Feig (Bridesmaids). The show will focus on the discovery of an alternate universe, and how the discovery changes our perception of the unknown. No other names are attached so far, but Feig has already proved he has an eye for comedy, so this project is definitely in capable hands.
The other show is being directed by Bryan Gordon (The Office), and will be called Sin City Saints. As the name suggests, Sin City Saints will center on a business tycoon who purchases a basketball team in Last Vegas. But he soon discovers he’s in over his head, likely leading to plenty of shenanigans.
The shows will be made available at once—each have received eight-episode orders—so you’ll be able to binge watch over a weekend. Once they launch next year, both can be viewed through Yahoo Screen online, or viewed on a Apple TV or Roku set-top box through a Yahoo Screen app.
Comedy seems to be the most relatable form of television, so it’s no surprise to see Yahoo go this route. Some bonafide talent is attached to the online company’s projects, too, so there’s genuine hope that these shows will be somewhat enjoyable.
In addition to the two Yahoo shows, the company also said Katie Couric will launch two separate programs this summer; World 3.0 will feature how leaders in tech, science and engineering are changing our world, while Now I Get It will be an explainer of sorts, helping people better understand the news with focused video segments.
Source: TheVerge