iOS 8.4 hit earlier this morning with Apple Music as the new highlight feature. Apple Music also includes the company’s new Beats 1 radio station, which will stream content 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It’s live now, and Zane Lowe kicked it off with a song called City from Spring King.
Beats 1 is hosted by Zane Lowe out of Los Angeles, Ebro Darden out of New York City and Julie Adenuga in London. It will feature live interviews with artists, new music and more. Eminem is set to air as one of the station’s first interviews, Lowe confirmed recently, and additional shows will be hosted by the likes of Drake, Elton John, Pharell, Dr. Dre and more.
The Tuesday schedule says that Zane Lowe is kicking everything off at noon Eastern followed by BEats 1 NYC at 2 p.m., Julie Adenuga at 3 p.m., Beats 1 LA at 5 p.m., Ebro Darden at 6 p.m., St. Vincent at 10 p.m. and Betas 1 LA again at 11 p.m.
Beats 1 is free so long as you’re signed in with an Apple ID, so you won’t need to pay the monthly fee of $9.99, required for Apple Music, to stream Apple’s radio station. Check it out inside of the Apple Music app in iOS 8.4 now.